How to pick up a woman
Reading time: 4 min
For starters, we will eliminate the gentlemanly methods of seduction. Too sweet, not efficient enough, and counterproductive. I will give you more offensive seduction tips and principles that are far more important than pick up techniques. Picking up a woman and having a positive result is a balancing act. It is necessary to make a course without fault. If you make a mistake in your journey before going through the sex box, consider that it is done. There is rarely a second chance.
In humans, the dredge passes by the behavior and not the beauty of the appearance. And obviously everyone does the opposite, because it’s easier to change their clothes and their physical appearance, than to change their behavior. You want to please a woman? Come back to the origins of the man, and show that you are a male. The priority to increase its pick up efficiency is to remove your defects before adding qualities.
Do not look like a woman
Any commonalities you may have with a woman, remove them. A woman does not want to be picked up by a man with a behavior similar to hers. Example: A man should not wear a shirt with the top buttons open to mount his chest. Copy a technique of dredging specific to women, who put necklines to show their breasts, will make you look like a woman who wants to be beautiful. Forget about creams, perfumes, jewelery, waxing and all the other things women do. One would imagine Clint Eastwood’s evil open shirt with tricks on him, a fashion haircut and shaved cock. Remember that those who make fashion are not the most manly men (Jean Paul Gautier, Yves Saint Laurent, etc.). So do not put clothes that show the beauty of your body or your muscles but clothes that inspire strength.
Do not look like a child

If you start talking video games, board games, card games, comic books, superheroes or come out on these themes, you will be a child, not a grown man. Pick up level, zero point.
Regarding the clothing part, avoid the flashy colors. This is the color code reserved for children. And I’m not even talking about Star Wars, Simpson or other clothes.
The gesture, the posture
Very important too, do not be curled up, all soft, over-excited, fleeing from the eyes or other. Look like a straight, sturdy guy on his legs. A guy sure of him.
The voice
If you tend to have a light or high-pitched voice, work on it, change it to have the most serious voice possible. Another detail, if you hesitate or stammer even once during your conversation, you will break this image of insurance. Consider that you have already lost.
How to talk to a woman
It seems that women love humor? They like humor yes, as they like skirts. Would they want to be fucked by a clown or a guy in a skirt? No. There is a difference between what they like and what they really expect. Continually joking or throwing jokes without stopping is also a childish attitude.
So the idea is not to be austere. Talk to her about things that will intrigue her, make you mysterious, arouse her sexual excitement. Shock her, provoke her, challenge her. You will interest him.
Picking up is impressive
She must also be impressed by your insurance and skills in many areas. You must be versatile and be good everywhere. Do not tie yourself. Equality or inferiority does not impress, you must appear above her without either talking to her like a fool, or pass for a pretentious.
Take a phone number

I wrote take, not ask or leave his number. So we eliminate the “Can you give me your number?” Which leaves the possibility of a no. We eliminate the “Here’s my number” that does not guarantee that it once reminds the adrenaline fell. So we go to “Listen, I’ll take your number so we catch up later blah blah blah. Come on, I listen to you.” Basically, we offer no choice, so no refusal and you always pass for a guy on you.
When you have a good level of pick up, you will not even need to go through the phone number box. Take her directly home, to her house or hotel.
Using the phone
The phone is only used to give appointments. No blah blah useless. No “I wanted to hear your voice or speak with you”. You are not his best friend or gay friend. No seduction extension SMS, it’s also the guy who is hiding behind his phone because he does not assume to flirt in real life. You want to flirt? Do it in real life, face to face.
Fix a second appointment
It is you who set the day of the appointment, time and place. If you leave that choice to the woman, you will pass for an indecisive, someone who lacks confidence, who does not know how to make a decision or who is at his feet. Basically, nothing positive. It is not available, the day or the hour that you fix him? You change until it is, but you always set the rules. If it really does not work, pretend and let him decide on the day and time of the appointment and change his time from even 30 minutes or 1 hour to be the last decision maker.
The fundamental principles to remember
Have a man attitude, maximum and flawless insurance, control over everything and leave no choice.
We all know what it is disappointing, to see it uncomfortable for his ego to get blown off. And rakes, you will take full as long as you do not master to perfection the principles listed above. Forget about one principle and it’s a rake. But we can make the thing less boring, even without any impact on his morale. Do you get blown off in front of one or more people? Keep a strong, unshakable attitude. If you are disappointed, upset or angry, hide it. The more solid you look, the more insurance and efficiency you will gain the next time.