Making sex the 1st night and serious relationship

Reading time: 2 min

Here is a question that women ask themselves very often when they meet a new partner, and that they are in the process of having a serious relationship. Can they sleep the first night or should they wait? Let’s see if the time of abstinence affects the strength of a relationship.


The first mistake that all women make is to imagine that the strength of a relationship will be proportional to the time of abstinence. If your partner is immature, alcoholic, mentally unstable, or whatever, whether you fuck on the 1st night, in 1 month, or in 1 year, either your relationship will break or it will be completely chaotic. As a result, the bedtime criterion has no impact on the future strength of a couple.


If you are looking for a stable and lasting relationship, the first thing to do is look for the faults of your suitor. Women too often focus on the qualities of a man, but it is the defects that cause problems in a couple, never the qualities. Therefore, I advise you to eliminate all pretenders who have too great defects that can affect the stability of a couple.

Here is a list of defects contrary to a stable relationship:
– an addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, video games, television…
– repeated debts,
– behavioral problems such as violence, aggression, perversity, domination, lies, immaturity, laziness, chronic infidelity…
– a free time to devote yourself insufficient,
– children of several different women,
– a social positioning, a culture or a religion very different from yours.

Once the first selection is over, there you can focus on the remaining contenders and their qualities.


Whether you make love the first night, in a month, or in a year, only criteria such as common moral values, a balanced behavior of your partner, and compatibility with in-laws will have an impact on the sustainability and the longevity of your couple. These criteria eliminate many men, but in return also greatly increase the chances of building a strong, lasting, and healthy relationship with the remaining men.